Last week saw the sad passing of Brian Sewell, the controversial and entertaining art critic.This portrait is from a session six years ago for a television documentary detailing his time spent with Salvador Dali. We had a chat about what constituted art and i asked him if the great photographer Henri Cartier Bresson was an artist. To which he repied " if he considered himself to be an artist at the time of taking the photograph then it was indeed art "
Sir Alex Ferguson-Leading
UCL Portraits
Selection of Management Science and Innovation portraits shot at Bloomsbury Campus.
Cover of Alex Ferguson's book about business to be published in October.
Here is the cover and a selection of pages from a book about my father Fred Pollock and his paintings. These photographs taken over a twenty year period at his studios coupled with reviews offer a career retrospective of his work.The book can be viewed in it's entirety and is available to buy at the Blurb bookstore.
Bright Network
Bright Network works with the brightest graduates and undergraduates giving them the opportunity to work for some of the biggest companies in the UK.
Alex Ferguson, Live.
In conversation with James Nesbitt at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane to promote the updated version of his Autobiography. Having photographed the cover and contributed twenty images shot over a 4 year period this marks the end of an interesting photography project.
Back Stage
Photography from backstage at a Charity Fashion Show in aid of the Greenwich Hospital Trust.
Car Giant
The world's largest used car supermarket houses around 7000 cars. My brief from First Base was to illustrate a selection of the occupations and activities that lie behind the business.
A series of family and friends holiday portraits inspired by "Bucket Challenge" using fast shutter speeds.