Pages from A Portrait of Hackney, 2005-2025.

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Pages from A Portrait of Hackney, 2005-2025.
Thomas J Price’s Warm Shores was created from composites of 30 residents connected to the Windrush generation, and shows how monuments can represent the communities they stand in.
Hackney Today feature with some of my favourite photographs taken in the Borough over the last 10 years.
Driving past Here East in London's Olympic Park I noticed this eye catching development and thought, I must photograph that. Then I got the call...
The Gantry is a 21st century cabinet of curiosities made up of 21 individual creative studios drawing on the rich artistic heritage of Hackney Wick. These studios are set within a gigantic gridded structure on the side of The Broadcast Centre at Here East facing the Queen Elizabeth Park. Built using open-source technology, each studio is machine milled and arrives in a flatpack. On site, they are slotted together like a massive jigsaw before being lifted into place.
Walking football ‘World Cup’ highlights the health benefits of staying active.
Documentary style school prospectus photography completed over a half day at City Academy, Hackney.