Here East

Driving past Here East in London's Olympic Park I noticed this eye catching development and thought, I must photograph that. Then I got the call...

The Gantry is a 21st century cabinet of curiosities made up of 21 individual creative studios drawing on the rich artistic heritage of Hackney Wick. These studios are set within a gigantic gridded structure on the side of The Broadcast Centre at Here East facing the Queen Elizabeth Park. Built using open-source technology, each studio is machine milled and arrives in a flatpack. On site, they are slotted together like a massive jigsaw before being lifted into place.  

Concrete House

Ongoing project following Adrian Corrigall's plan to build a Concrete House as a family home.

'A love of concrete born from years of riding skateparks on bikes and boards, became the base theme for our project. This unorthodox decision to build solely from concrete, with no other internal finishes, led us to discover that concrete is a far more advanced material in the 21st century. However we have had to work hard to achieve both understanding and acceptance from what is a typically traditional construction industry.'

It will feature in Grand Designs Autumn series.


Brian Sewell

Last week saw the sad passing of Brian Sewell, the controversial and entertaining art critic.This portrait is from a session six years ago for a television documentary detailing his time spent with Salvador Dali. We had a chat about what constituted art and i asked him if the great photographer Henri Cartier Bresson was an artist. To which he repied " if he considered himself to be an artist at the time of taking the photograph then it was indeed art "